
DOMINO - The third survey ofGwada Cops
Guadeloupe. City of Saint-François, shower beach.
A man suddenly disappears in the presence of his companion.
While accidental drowning is suspected, the first elements of the investigation reveal that he was in fact carried away by acreature from the seabed.
At the same time, engaged in a race against time to save the seriously ill Ti-Racoon, Inspector Nicolas Rousseau sets off headlong into the tracks of the beast, unaware that he will very quickly be confronted with his old demons.
several miles away,a spectator is poisoned in the middle of the Sainte-Rose carnival parade. The assassin who hides his face behind a checkered mask will soon be referred to by the population as Domino.
Elusive, the clown will give a hard time to Marie Kancel, the city's new inspector.
Now separated, the Gwada Cops will soon, each on their own, discover the supernatural side of their investigations. They will go from surprises to revelations until the outcome that will shake their strongest convictions.
Release: September 13, 2020
Format: 409 pages
EAN: 9782956927129
digital EAN : 9782956927136