Hello dear readers,
Those of you who browse this blog from time to time have had the opportunity to read the post about my particular encounter with a gecko (The mabouya anecdote, here: https://johnrenmann.wordpress.com/2015/10/06/lanecdote-du-mabouya/)
Let me tell you another special anecdote:
It was in Guadeloupe, I was about ten years old and was spending a few days at my aunt's house, in the heights of Basse-Terre.
When night came, I was lying quietly in my bed, bedside lamp on and book open (from memory I think it was Tartarin de Tarascon), I heard a strange noise in the glass shutters of the French window. They had been opened so that the room could get some fresh air.
It was as if something had mistaken them for a xylophone. The improvised melody, however, was somewhat cacophonous.
Perplexed, I straightened up, put the adventures of Newt on the bedside table and then glanced briefly at the French window.
It was at that moment that I saw something that has remained engraved in my memory to this day: a huge spider that was happily walking on the wall of my room! When I say huge, let's say that it was the kind of bug that, with its legs spread out, would have been able to cover your hand!
No sooner said than done! I jumped out of bed before running like a madman to the living room where my aunt was! There, she wondered, on the one hand, where my pretty coffee color had gone, as I was so pale, and on the other hand, if the devil himself was chasing me.
She laughed when I explained to her the reason for a sprint that would have left even the great Carl Lewis on the spot (well, at the time Usain Bolt was probably only a sweet wish in his parents' hearts).
"There is no such spider in Guadeloupe, come on!"
"You were so scared that your eyes exaggerated the size of the beast! "
Of course, the police raid on my room turned up nothing, no more monster spider in the room than snow guns in Guadeloupe.
Following this adventure, the jibes were flying for a long time, so much so that I believed for a long time that my dear aunt was right and that under the effect of fear, I had unconsciously exaggerated the size of the arachnid.
Then, one day, when a colleague asked me if there were tarantulas on my island, this anecdote came back to me and, in order to answer him, I had the reflex to consult the net.
After having worked my memory and the keyboard of my computer, I am convinced that the spider in question was a Babouk of which certain individuals can reach the size of a man's hand.
Another anecdote that I will be able to transcribe in my writings!
